Oct 31, 2003
THANKS erin. now I am having an orientation crisis. I really don't think I'm bi....
What does it mean? It's not like I am attracted to guys. but have you ever met someone of your own sex that you would date if they were the oppisite sex?
Someone might read this
What would they think about me?
I really don't care.
(0) comments
What does it mean? It's not like I am attracted to guys. but have you ever met someone of your own sex that you would date if they were the oppisite sex?
Someone might read this
What would they think about me?
I really don't care.
Oct 29, 2003
Allright. here's a poker game everyone should try. It's a variant of Anaconda, but in case you aren't familiar with that here are all the rules:
Mini-Baseball Anaconda
The dealer gives all players seven cards. 3's, 9's, and Queens are wild.
Pass three cards to the left.
Pass two cards to the left.
Pass one card to the left.
Discard two cards and lay down your five card hand. Once it has been laid down, you may not change the order of any cards (except in the case of a four being exposed)
Here's where it's really different than Anaconda- If you expose a red 3 in your first four cards, you have to match the amount of money in the pot.
IF you expose a four, you may ask the dealer for an additional card (You may still only use the best five card hand, but it gives you options)
and finally, the rain-out card. If you expose the queen of spades in your first four cards, the pot stays as it is, everyone gives their cards back to the dealer, and then everyone starts a new game with the pot as was. If the queen is exposed as the last card, it is simply a wild.
Here's another one, and this one get's annoying fast... Let's call it two-jack five card draw.
The players are all dealt five cards.
TO EVEN BEGIN TO BET, one player must have a hand equal to or greater than two jacks. (for instance, three of a kind is greater...)
If NO ONE has at least two jacks or higher, everyone turns in their cards and starts over. The ante stays where it is (so it has good odds of increasing fast.)
IF ONE PLAYER does have the two-jack hand or higher, bidding and card replacement commences as normal. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY THE PLAYERS ASK FOR MORE THAN THREE CARDS, EVEN IN THE CASE OF AN ACE.
ONE LAST RULE! The Highest HAND does not neccisarilly win this game. to win, you must have AT LEAST three of a kind. if no one has at least three of a kind, the game starts over with everyone getting new cards and the pot stays as it was after the betting.
And one last game- SCREW YOUR NEIGHBOR. this game is great. dealer shuffles and passes out one card to each player. the person to the left of the dealer decides if they want to stay or trade. if they want to trade their card, they offer it to the person on their left WHO MUST (except in the case of a jack) trade with them. The object is to get a higher card, there is only one loser, and there can be many winners. The dealer does not trade with the person on his left, he trades with the deck itself. The lowest card loses.
NOW. there are some special rules to this game. IF YOU HAVE A JACK and your neighbor attempts to trade with you, YOU MUST give them the finger, and they DO NOT GET YOUR CARD. IF THERE IS A PAIR OR MORE of one card, then that card is "safe." if it happens to be the lowest card, the next one up loses. This effect stacks, inotherwords, if there are 7 players, and two players have 2's and two players have Jacks and two players have queens and the last player has an ace, then the ace loses.
The person who dealt then discards all the dealt out cards and passes the remaining deck to the left. dealing then commences without shuffling until you run out of cards and have to start over.
Hints for this one: If your neighbor trades with you and the card you recieve is higher than what you had (even if they give you a 3 and you had a 2) you probably want to stay. you are safe.
If you have a 7 or lower you probably want to trade.
(0) comments
Mini-Baseball Anaconda
The dealer gives all players seven cards. 3's, 9's, and Queens are wild.
Pass three cards to the left.
Pass two cards to the left.
Pass one card to the left.
Discard two cards and lay down your five card hand. Once it has been laid down, you may not change the order of any cards (except in the case of a four being exposed)
Here's where it's really different than Anaconda- If you expose a red 3 in your first four cards, you have to match the amount of money in the pot.
IF you expose a four, you may ask the dealer for an additional card (You may still only use the best five card hand, but it gives you options)
and finally, the rain-out card. If you expose the queen of spades in your first four cards, the pot stays as it is, everyone gives their cards back to the dealer, and then everyone starts a new game with the pot as was. If the queen is exposed as the last card, it is simply a wild.
Here's another one, and this one get's annoying fast... Let's call it two-jack five card draw.
The players are all dealt five cards.
TO EVEN BEGIN TO BET, one player must have a hand equal to or greater than two jacks. (for instance, three of a kind is greater...)
If NO ONE has at least two jacks or higher, everyone turns in their cards and starts over. The ante stays where it is (so it has good odds of increasing fast.)
IF ONE PLAYER does have the two-jack hand or higher, bidding and card replacement commences as normal. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY THE PLAYERS ASK FOR MORE THAN THREE CARDS, EVEN IN THE CASE OF AN ACE.
ONE LAST RULE! The Highest HAND does not neccisarilly win this game. to win, you must have AT LEAST three of a kind. if no one has at least three of a kind, the game starts over with everyone getting new cards and the pot stays as it was after the betting.
And one last game- SCREW YOUR NEIGHBOR. this game is great. dealer shuffles and passes out one card to each player. the person to the left of the dealer decides if they want to stay or trade. if they want to trade their card, they offer it to the person on their left WHO MUST (except in the case of a jack) trade with them. The object is to get a higher card, there is only one loser, and there can be many winners. The dealer does not trade with the person on his left, he trades with the deck itself. The lowest card loses.
NOW. there are some special rules to this game. IF YOU HAVE A JACK and your neighbor attempts to trade with you, YOU MUST give them the finger, and they DO NOT GET YOUR CARD. IF THERE IS A PAIR OR MORE of one card, then that card is "safe." if it happens to be the lowest card, the next one up loses. This effect stacks, inotherwords, if there are 7 players, and two players have 2's and two players have Jacks and two players have queens and the last player has an ace, then the ace loses.
The person who dealt then discards all the dealt out cards and passes the remaining deck to the left. dealing then commences without shuffling until you run out of cards and have to start over.
Hints for this one: If your neighbor trades with you and the card you recieve is higher than what you had (even if they give you a 3 and you had a 2) you probably want to stay. you are safe.
If you have a 7 or lower you probably want to trade.
IDEAS! [temporary]
Highway Mirages and other violent phenomena
Short-shafted guinea pigs and other household nuisances
The Thumbless Wonder and other silly stories
Why the Cubs don't wear sox
6 phrases you hope to never hear (especially those damned subway commercials)
How amica lost her spot
Mini-Baseball Anaconda
(0) comments
Highway Mirages and other violent phenomena
Short-shafted guinea pigs and other household nuisances
The Thumbless Wonder and other silly stories
Why the Cubs don't wear sox
6 phrases you hope to never hear (especially those damned subway commercials)
How amica lost her spot
Mini-Baseball Anaconda
Screw my last post! since then I have worked out shit with wes, erin, and hopefully, next time I talk to adam, it'll be him too!
I think I'm beginning to form a crush! :)
and even if they don't return it, it's good, because I haven't really been doing much in that area....
Feeling Euphoric
The lack of sleep washing me
stale advil all gone
:) [I'm happy, for now. the world should be sighing gratefully, because I sure as hell am!]
(0) comments
I think I'm beginning to form a crush! :)
and even if they don't return it, it's good, because I haven't really been doing much in that area....
Feeling Euphoric
The lack of sleep washing me
stale advil all gone
:) [I'm happy, for now. the world should be sighing gratefully, because I sure as hell am!]
Oct 28, 2003
Screw it all. things aren't looking up. I've pretty much managed to mess everything up, and now I am depressed, AGAIN. I pissed off wes, temporarily, by saying some things I guess on retrospect were stupid, and I just don't feel good.
Plus I seem to piss people off without meaning to.
I wish I would get to feeling better, wish me luck!
Wind sweeps the curtains
An empty picture frame stares
At it's reflection
(0) comments
Plus I seem to piss people off without meaning to.
I wish I would get to feeling better, wish me luck!
Wind sweeps the curtains
An empty picture frame stares
At it's reflection
Regarding the post I made (my short story post)- because Sarah commented... I felt I had to respond [The afforementioned post has since been removed].
Look folks. that could be taken as offensive, BUT if anyone is intelligent about it, they shouldn't be offended. especially if they read it. It IS MOST definetly not a jab. I promise. I have forgiven the parties stated, or at least one of them (an "I forgive you" only counts if it's personal) so it's really just me letting out my feelings. If somone takes it as a stab, I apologize. however, if you read it, It's not stablike at all. It's me being confused, and then moving on. Jeez! All of you, YOU should know that I'm not a stabber! I DON'T STAB!!! jeez.... that one got me like a knife through the heart!
that wasn't that funny...a bad joke, actually. So I finally got a chance to sit down and watch all of 28 days later. all of it, without many interruptions. It was good, I was very much impressed with the cinematography and acting, and the plot was pretty intresting as well.
It didn't explain too much, making people easily see silly flaws. it left a good bit to the imagination and Imagine I did....
It was really good. you should watch it.
I wasn't stabbing. I promise. I'm sorry it looks that way... and if it really does offend someone, I guess I'll take it down.
Stagnant day-old blood
angry flies and carrion
among it, movement
(0) comments
Look folks. that could be taken as offensive, BUT if anyone is intelligent about it, they shouldn't be offended. especially if they read it. It IS MOST definetly not a jab. I promise. I have forgiven the parties stated, or at least one of them (an "I forgive you" only counts if it's personal) so it's really just me letting out my feelings. If somone takes it as a stab, I apologize. however, if you read it, It's not stablike at all. It's me being confused, and then moving on. Jeez! All of you, YOU should know that I'm not a stabber! I DON'T STAB!!! jeez.... that one got me like a knife through the heart!
that wasn't that funny...a bad joke, actually. So I finally got a chance to sit down and watch all of 28 days later. all of it, without many interruptions. It was good, I was very much impressed with the cinematography and acting, and the plot was pretty intresting as well.
It didn't explain too much, making people easily see silly flaws. it left a good bit to the imagination and Imagine I did....
It was really good. you should watch it.
I wasn't stabbing. I promise. I'm sorry it looks that way... and if it really does offend someone, I guess I'll take it down.
Stagnant day-old blood
angry flies and carrion
among it, movement
Oct 27, 2003
YESSS! I got permission to put up a picture taken by peter may! kickin'! so now my link to stetson can be complete!!
Thanks to Peter May for the picture of the Pigmy rattlesnake (left)
Thanks to the Pig team for their awsome site, which all of you should check out.
Sistrurus Miliarius, or the Pigmy rattlesnake, kicks it hardcore. the one "living" at my house is named Millie, but we don't hold her. I learned my lesson there... heheh. She's about 18 or 20 inches long, it's hard to get a measurement, exactly, and is pretty much a full grown western pigmy (S. m. streckeri).
I think I will have to start a new blog regarding the things I learn about snakes. or maybe not. we'll see.
Single carelessness
A star dies alone in space
Filled with sarcasm
(0) comments
Thanks to Peter May for the picture of the Pigmy rattlesnake (left)
Thanks to the Pig team for their awsome site, which all of you should check out.
Sistrurus Miliarius, or the Pigmy rattlesnake, kicks it hardcore. the one "living" at my house is named Millie, but we don't hold her. I learned my lesson there... heheh. She's about 18 or 20 inches long, it's hard to get a measurement, exactly, and is pretty much a full grown western pigmy (S. m. streckeri).
I think I will have to start a new blog regarding the things I learn about snakes. or maybe not. we'll see.
Single carelessness
A star dies alone in space
Filled with sarcasm
[Post deleted]
(0) comments
Oct 26, 2003
I am supposed to be watching "28 days later" with my brother and friends, but I wanted to make a phone call. so here I am, somehow back in front of the computer screen.
I am going to help out with my church's annual halloween carnival, and I think it will be fun. I have this fake thumb that I am going to put on my stub (filled with fake blood) as a terrible stunt- i am going to bite it off so it looks like I'm biting my own thumb off. I hope the little ones don't get too scared.... ;-)
These are the consequences of picking up a full-grown Western Diamondback. I'll deal with them for the rest of my life.
Torn empty cities
One Under a falling sky
Rage has gripped them all.
(0) comments
I am going to help out with my church's annual halloween carnival, and I think it will be fun. I have this fake thumb that I am going to put on my stub (filled with fake blood) as a terrible stunt- i am going to bite it off so it looks like I'm biting my own thumb off. I hope the little ones don't get too scared.... ;-)
These are the consequences of picking up a full-grown Western Diamondback. I'll deal with them for the rest of my life.
Torn empty cities
One Under a falling sky
Rage has gripped them all.
As you can see, my page now kicks it hardcore! I got my links up and cooler than ever!
It took me a while, but i got all the html working... I just hope I didn't miss any disclaimers saying that I couldn't take one of the images that I did... I looked, so if someone gets mad, I'll take it down and I apologize.
I, personally, like my rating. that's all I got to say about that.
I went to Red Lobster with Raymond, Gabe and my brother Rex. it was pretty fun... I like hanging out with them (for those who don't know, Gabe and Raymond are my RA's, the people who run cross center and make sure it doesn't fall apart, and thank god for them).
I've beaten Halo on legendary so many times now I could do it with my eyes closed. HURRY UP, Halo 2!
Small animals crowd
Tired caution stains my mind
Rodents overflow
(0) comments
It took me a while, but i got all the html working... I just hope I didn't miss any disclaimers saying that I couldn't take one of the images that I did... I looked, so if someone gets mad, I'll take it down and I apologize.
I, personally, like my rating. that's all I got to say about that.
I went to Red Lobster with Raymond, Gabe and my brother Rex. it was pretty fun... I like hanging out with them (for those who don't know, Gabe and Raymond are my RA's, the people who run cross center and make sure it doesn't fall apart, and thank god for them).
I've beaten Halo on legendary so many times now I could do it with my eyes closed. HURRY UP, Halo 2!
Small animals crowd
Tired caution stains my mind
Rodents overflow
Oct 25, 2003
Sarah Rhoades, YOU MADE MY DAY!!! I was sitting here, doing nothing, when I decided to surf the internet, see if donald had BOTHERED to write anything INTRESTING in his journal, and see if Sarah had updated either.
I check, and what do I find? one of my poems and a "not dirty at all, is it?" commentary followed by I love you erik!!!
I BURST out laughing and my headache is gone! that was great! now I think I am going to bug donald with lyrics from alienantfarm's new cd IT KICKS ASS because he is playing Counter-Strike and the last time I played Starcontrol he crashed it on purpose. JERK!!
not really, donald.
I love you man, you know that.
you aren't a jerk... JERK!
anyway... that seems like cheating!
Tell me I am, verve
Without you talent lies dead
Take it all, never
(0) comments
I check, and what do I find? one of my poems and a "not dirty at all, is it?" commentary followed by I love you erik!!!
I BURST out laughing and my headache is gone! that was great! now I think I am going to bug donald with lyrics from alienantfarm's new cd IT KICKS ASS because he is playing Counter-Strike and the last time I played Starcontrol he crashed it on purpose. JERK!!
not really, donald.
I love you man, you know that.
you aren't a jerk... JERK!
anyway... that seems like cheating!
Tell me I am, verve
Without you talent lies dead
Take it all, never
Oct 23, 2003
YESSS!!! I gambled tonight! it was probably the best 2.50 I ever lost! yeeehaw! yeah....
anyway, I wish I had more things to say... but I really don't. I went from really depressed to unable to breathe, and now I'm just... okay. i can barely breathe, and I almost lost my inhaler, but I'm okay now.
My car is running preety DAMN well right now.
of course, things can always "get better." I learned this along time ago
(after the get worse...)
Hot moans escape me
Wrapped in sweet darkness, I lie
Fire fills the night
(0) comments
anyway, I wish I had more things to say... but I really don't. I went from really depressed to unable to breathe, and now I'm just... okay. i can barely breathe, and I almost lost my inhaler, but I'm okay now.
My car is running preety DAMN well right now.
of course, things can always "get better." I learned this along time ago
(after the get worse...)
Hot moans escape me
Wrapped in sweet darkness, I lie
Fire fills the night
Oct 22, 2003
it's not that bad. it could be worse.
I can't breathe though, is that bad?
having bronchitis SUCKS.
A black-and-white spot
Sits on my mom's good blankets
cleaning its whiskers.
(0) comments
I can't breathe though, is that bad?
having bronchitis SUCKS.
A black-and-white spot
Sits on my mom's good blankets
cleaning its whiskers.
I'm spoiling for a fight and I want to cuddle, and worst of all, I haven't had any fortune cookie advice in more than a week. everything sucks except sciencefiction, and that really makes me wonder why IT has all lasted so long.
Guys, worry all you want, it's not going to help. Life SUCKS right now and until it stops sucking (*sarcastically* THANKS) I am going to be depressed. probably not suicidal, but unhappy. I wish I could be hateful and get it over with, but I can't. ALLRIGHt.....Maybe I'll get better.
Do you know about
The fortune cookie ending?
It's two words: "In bed."
(0) comments
Guys, worry all you want, it's not going to help. Life SUCKS right now and until it stops sucking (*sarcastically* THANKS) I am going to be depressed. probably not suicidal, but unhappy. I wish I could be hateful and get it over with, but I can't. ALLRIGHt.....Maybe I'll get better.
Do you know about
The fortune cookie ending?
It's two words: "In bed."
Oct 20, 2003
I went to a young democrats meeting tonight. It really sucked, I was surprised. It went on for about 2 hours... and the guy was so SOO hardcore it was scary. he said, and I qoute, "I don't think I can think of anything worse than being a republican." he really hated on republicans, MASSIVELY. I mean, come on. I am a democrat, but holy shit! people have a right to their beliefs.
If I could I'd be independent... but nevermind. Independents SUCK in the GRAND old state of Oklahoma.
I am watching The matrix reloaded again. man this movie is better each time I see it. Neo really shouldn't open his mouth, but the fight scenes (even though they are overdone and LONG) rock so much! just watch neo. everytime he is hit, it's like "it was supposed to happen" or somesuch.
annnnyway Cati is playing with amica so I have to watch her carefully (I am worried that Amica might bite her or something! :))
Watch the fire die
Wonder if it was alive
It comes at a price
(0) comments
If I could I'd be independent... but nevermind. Independents SUCK in the GRAND old state of Oklahoma.
I am watching The matrix reloaded again. man this movie is better each time I see it. Neo really shouldn't open his mouth, but the fight scenes (even though they are overdone and LONG) rock so much! just watch neo. everytime he is hit, it's like "it was supposed to happen" or somesuch.
annnnyway Cati is playing with amica so I have to watch her carefully (I am worried that Amica might bite her or something! :))
Watch the fire die
Wonder if it was alive
It comes at a price
I went to the doctor's office this morning, I woke up around 7:37. I don't think I could have actually slept any longer; I kept waking up anyway, over and over and over.
Wes went and slept in someone else's room... I guess I can understand, I am sick, although I believe that he's already had what I got, except with me it's worse because my family has a history of asthma and I have a history of Bronchitis.
spent two hours in the doctors office, playing solitare, over and over, until they finally saw me. I got some albuterol and some pills and a note and then they sent me home.
Animals chirping
everywhere it is raining
A calm, peacful day.
(0) comments
Wes went and slept in someone else's room... I guess I can understand, I am sick, although I believe that he's already had what I got, except with me it's worse because my family has a history of asthma and I have a history of Bronchitis.
spent two hours in the doctors office, playing solitare, over and over, until they finally saw me. I got some albuterol and some pills and a note and then they sent me home.
Animals chirping
everywhere it is raining
A calm, peacful day.
Oct 19, 2003
I have done something not only terrible; but stupid. I wish there was something I could do about it to fix it now.
Nothing I have known
can even begin to show
how far I've fallen
(0) comments
Nothing I have known
can even begin to show
how far I've fallen
I think they were wrong. It's bi-polar, not "Clinical Depression."
I just can't seem to make up my mind.
Maybe it's not bi-polar, maybe it's just SUCK
Snowflakes gently fall
Spring isn't coming this year
I wait for the thaw
(0) comments
I just can't seem to make up my mind.
Maybe it's not bi-polar, maybe it's just SUCK
Snowflakes gently fall
Spring isn't coming this year
I wait for the thaw
It's hard to deal with life when you realize how much you are failing at everything thing in life. The realization that I am worthless ,and, in fact, don't have it in me to become something other than worthless, didn't exactly shock me; but it certainly wasn't pleasant.
I have probably had the worst beginning of a semester that I have ever had. EVER. it's been so shitty... I sit and I wonder what I am worth, I think about how much of a failure I am, and wonder if I really shouldn't end it all. I hate it all so much... the pain, the anguish, and most of all, the hopeless feeling I get when I try to change anything;
The worst thing is that I am failing my mom, I'M FAILING HER. She didn't ever ask me for much, and I am this worthless thing that can't even accomplish what she asks of me. I just want to go crawl into a hole and die somewhere, I really do. I had to tell her today about what I am going through, had to tell her about this terrible semester. I felt even worse afterwards, not because I told her, but because she was willing to take it as an excuse for my failure; and this makes me feel even worse. I feel so guilty, and so betrayed; and then I feel like I have betrayed everyone I know.
Sarah got grounded... I feel responsible, even though I haven't done anything at all. I hate this all so much, I hate it all. hate it all. hate it. hate. such a powerful word, and I actually think It's incorrect, grief or anguish would be better, anguish is, I think, the correct word.
I feel horrible. I wish that I was alcoholically inclined so I could drink this all away, or I wish I was suicidal enough just to kill myself and get this miserable life over with.
I don't remember what happiness is. I wish I could find it again.
Gas for the fire,
I want to end it all now.
Nothing but burnt sticks
(0) comments
I have probably had the worst beginning of a semester that I have ever had. EVER. it's been so shitty... I sit and I wonder what I am worth, I think about how much of a failure I am, and wonder if I really shouldn't end it all. I hate it all so much... the pain, the anguish, and most of all, the hopeless feeling I get when I try to change anything;
The worst thing is that I am failing my mom, I'M FAILING HER. She didn't ever ask me for much, and I am this worthless thing that can't even accomplish what she asks of me. I just want to go crawl into a hole and die somewhere, I really do. I had to tell her today about what I am going through, had to tell her about this terrible semester. I felt even worse afterwards, not because I told her, but because she was willing to take it as an excuse for my failure; and this makes me feel even worse. I feel so guilty, and so betrayed; and then I feel like I have betrayed everyone I know.
Sarah got grounded... I feel responsible, even though I haven't done anything at all. I hate this all so much, I hate it all. hate it all. hate it. hate. such a powerful word, and I actually think It's incorrect, grief or anguish would be better, anguish is, I think, the correct word.
I feel horrible. I wish that I was alcoholically inclined so I could drink this all away, or I wish I was suicidal enough just to kill myself and get this miserable life over with.
I don't remember what happiness is. I wish I could find it again.
Gas for the fire,
I want to end it all now.
Nothing but burnt sticks
Oct 17, 2003
Man...I'm writing this from James' house.. and he's just kind of sitting there, listening to really depressing music.
Not that that matters... Erin and Adam are going out official now (finally) and I feel a little better... It was a foregone conclusion ALONG time ago, i've known for too long... It kind of hurts, I feel a little betrayed. I am not going to do anything about it except move on, I guess. I'm going to lunch with donald and sarah tommorow, we're going to Jana's. tonight i went to Taste of India with my cousins from Colorado Springs, bt unfortuntely the guy I wanted to talk to about getting a job wasn't there. I was sick most of today, I have bronchitis, i think. It's annoying, and I missed a midterm which I know I can make up (so Iam not worried)
I didn't put a period there. that's okay, though. I really don't care, I really don't know.
Here I've been waiting
Music sways with the darkness
I wish this would change
(0) comments
Not that that matters... Erin and Adam are going out official now (finally) and I feel a little better... It was a foregone conclusion ALONG time ago, i've known for too long... It kind of hurts, I feel a little betrayed. I am not going to do anything about it except move on, I guess. I'm going to lunch with donald and sarah tommorow, we're going to Jana's. tonight i went to Taste of India with my cousins from Colorado Springs, bt unfortuntely the guy I wanted to talk to about getting a job wasn't there. I was sick most of today, I have bronchitis, i think. It's annoying, and I missed a midterm which I know I can make up (so Iam not worried)
I didn't put a period there. that's okay, though. I really don't care, I really don't know.
Here I've been waiting
Music sways with the darkness
I wish this would change
Oct 16, 2003
Let me tell you about my day. I don't know how to rate it, like most "Erik" days, it randomly fluctualted. I went to class and got a midterm back (which I didn't really do that well on) and started worrying about my mom letting me move into the apartment next semester, and then I started worrying she was going to want to take me out of school. Then I went to Chili's with Wes and his girlfriend, Heather, and some of his other friends. That was pretty cool. I got my new cell phone! Hurray! Unfortunately, instead of being able to get the surprise that Sarah apparently baked me, she got grounded... :( which makes me sad because this will be like the second week that things got spoiled and I wish she wasn't grounded... I just hope the desert doesn't spoil. Maybe I'll go over and take Sarah a surprise tommorow or something, like a get ungrounded soon card. Who knows?
I have decided that I need to get more sleep and find myself a girlfriend. It would help. that's all for now
I breathe eternity
Tears of stone fall from my eyes
My last view of sky
(0) comments
I have decided that I need to get more sleep and find myself a girlfriend. It would help. that's all for now
I breathe eternity
Tears of stone fall from my eyes
My last view of sky
Oct 14, 2003
My car is having problems again... this timeit seems to be burning way too much gasoline or there is just a lot of gasoline smell... It's probably somewhere in the EEC, but there might be some carbon buildup... I need to clean the injectors any way, and it's possible that this weekend I may be learning how to take apart and put back together my cylinders...
On a different subject, I went to a spanish class at my church today, one that I have been going to off and on for about two months. It was kind of strange, Adam and Erin were there, and It had been awhile since I had seen Erin.. it was kind of unsettling at first. I kind of warmed up to being there, though, and it wasn't a bad night.
although the fact that me and erin seem to be barely speaking bothers me. I know it must be this way.... the aftermath of a breakup is still hard, and it probably won't ever get totally better, but mostly, eventually.
I kind of babbled there for awhile, but then I realize that that's okay, because I am writing this down to help myself figure out my feelings, and not for any person who may be reading it fore themselves.
I'm probably coming down with bronchitis.
Dark winter awaits
I turn this corner alone
For once on my own
(0) comments
On a different subject, I went to a spanish class at my church today, one that I have been going to off and on for about two months. It was kind of strange, Adam and Erin were there, and It had been awhile since I had seen Erin.. it was kind of unsettling at first. I kind of warmed up to being there, though, and it wasn't a bad night.
although the fact that me and erin seem to be barely speaking bothers me. I know it must be this way.... the aftermath of a breakup is still hard, and it probably won't ever get totally better, but mostly, eventually.
I kind of babbled there for awhile, but then I realize that that's okay, because I am writing this down to help myself figure out my feelings, and not for any person who may be reading it fore themselves.
I'm probably coming down with bronchitis.
Dark winter awaits
I turn this corner alone
For once on my own
Oct 13, 2003
MAN! I feel so smart! I reformatted my html Template for this page and now look at it! To think it was plain ol' sanddollar not that long ago....
My calc class rules so much ass right now. I have until december to do this pretty easy group project. it will be work, but easy. So I am looking forward to it.
It seems that whatever conflict I may have had with my roommate is temporarily resolved. Pamela and Wes still hate each other, though... which is going to cause alot of problems in the dorms.... (and yes I know a lot is the right way to say alot)
My fortune cookie said "prepare today for the demands of tommorow." Kind of interesting if you know the standard fortune cookie ending...
Shallow songs rebound
Off lanterened cavernous walls
Sweat drenches my face
(0) comments
My calc class rules so much ass right now. I have until december to do this pretty easy group project. it will be work, but easy. So I am looking forward to it.
It seems that whatever conflict I may have had with my roommate is temporarily resolved. Pamela and Wes still hate each other, though... which is going to cause alot of problems in the dorms.... (and yes I know a lot is the right way to say alot)
My fortune cookie said "prepare today for the demands of tommorow." Kind of interesting if you know the standard fortune cookie ending...
Shallow songs rebound
Off lanterened cavernous walls
Sweat drenches my face
Apparently I am Morpheus from the matrix. interesting. I took a quiz on Sarah's link and TA-DA it popped up and said I was morpheus. so then I decided to change a couple of my answers so I could be agent smith. He's a badass. never weak. it worked, but I'm still really Morpheus. whatever.
Take life slowly now,
enjoy a butterfinger
listen to nature
(0) comments
Take life slowly now,
enjoy a butterfinger
listen to nature
donald really is a cool person. jus' thought I'd say that for the record. and I'm pretty much over this relationship thing that was bothering me. I feel good about that. damn, now I want a warm body curled up next to me....
depression is a l m o s t better BUT NOT nearly as warm
"Somebody find me somebody to looove
somebody find me somebody to loooove
loooove looove lllooove llooove
Somebody FINDME somebody to LOVE
-Queen (one of the greatest bands)
Old man sits alone
watching dusty tumbleweeds
takes the lonely step
(0) comments
depression is a l m o s t better BUT NOT nearly as warm
"Somebody find me somebody to looove
somebody find me somebody to loooove
loooove looove lllooove llooove
Somebody FINDME somebody to LOVE
-Queen (one of the greatest bands)
Old man sits alone
watching dusty tumbleweeds
takes the lonely step
today was pretty good- until it sucked. I went to sleep late last night, and felt kind of bad because Erin wanted to go to church this morning and I kind of blew her off. I said something like I wanted to go back to sleep, but then all I had were guilty dreams of me avoiding someone based on the fact that I feel strange every time I go around them.
I also had this crazy dream about looking for Dr. Jekkyl's lost treasure- his inventions and things. It was pretty crazy. evidently Dr. Jekkyl finally wound up in a woman's body, he thought he had a right cure and didn't... So we were looking for all of his treasure. Sarah K. accidentally leaned up against a fence post, and a secret passage opened up, and we found the treasure, which was gaurded by these boobie traps. It was basically a puzzle. It would cycle in and out, like one minute there would be flames, and then these spinning balls with spikes, and then all these cocroaches, and a couple of other things like lightning and mirrors. Well, I was sitting there trying to find a pattern when I suddenly realized that the cocroaches were basically harmless, and that while they were "gaurding" the treasure, I could reach in and turn the trap off. I had to be fast, though. well, it worked, and there were all these crazy medicines and some random umbrella that made the holder float and then the journals of Jekkyl. those were pretty informative, let me tell you. he had some formulas for stuff in there that would make the poorest man richer than the richest... like how to do a sex change, a real one, with out any surgery, how to turn a cat into a man (and vice versa) temporarily, and of course the classical Jekkyl/Hide formula. there were others, but I don't really remember them so well.
It's not like there was a point to that dream or anything.
When I finally woke up I went over to my house and watched this terrible horror movie called "silent Killers" or somesuch about mutated rattlesnakes... it was horrible, as I said...
then I got in this huge fight with my roommate (which I worked out eventually) and decided that dorm politics suck so much balls it isn't funny.
Tawny Owl waits
Barnyard mouse scurries homeward
These silences kill
(0) comments
I also had this crazy dream about looking for Dr. Jekkyl's lost treasure- his inventions and things. It was pretty crazy. evidently Dr. Jekkyl finally wound up in a woman's body, he thought he had a right cure and didn't... So we were looking for all of his treasure. Sarah K. accidentally leaned up against a fence post, and a secret passage opened up, and we found the treasure, which was gaurded by these boobie traps. It was basically a puzzle. It would cycle in and out, like one minute there would be flames, and then these spinning balls with spikes, and then all these cocroaches, and a couple of other things like lightning and mirrors. Well, I was sitting there trying to find a pattern when I suddenly realized that the cocroaches were basically harmless, and that while they were "gaurding" the treasure, I could reach in and turn the trap off. I had to be fast, though. well, it worked, and there were all these crazy medicines and some random umbrella that made the holder float and then the journals of Jekkyl. those were pretty informative, let me tell you. he had some formulas for stuff in there that would make the poorest man richer than the richest... like how to do a sex change, a real one, with out any surgery, how to turn a cat into a man (and vice versa) temporarily, and of course the classical Jekkyl/Hide formula. there were others, but I don't really remember them so well.
It's not like there was a point to that dream or anything.
When I finally woke up I went over to my house and watched this terrible horror movie called "silent Killers" or somesuch about mutated rattlesnakes... it was horrible, as I said...
then I got in this huge fight with my roommate (which I worked out eventually) and decided that dorm politics suck so much balls it isn't funny.
Tawny Owl waits
Barnyard mouse scurries homeward
These silences kill
Oct 12, 2003
man. technology is the worst. I wish I could just live in a state of nature where I could make the rattlesnakes follow me. Then I could sick them on people. That would be fun. Oh yes, Oh YESSS my preciousessss....
The green terror waits
beneath the pool's surface
Friends staring at skin
(0) comments
The green terror waits
beneath the pool's surface
Friends staring at skin
hows it going folks! today was kind of interesting, one of my friends turned 21. we went and saw "Lost in Translation," which turned out to be really good (surprising to me, because I hate Bill Murray).
I haven't posted anything on here, much less BEEN on here, in the last couple of months. I finally got my computer fixed and decided i wanted to get back on the internet, but it's been awhile.
Lots has happened this semester, really. Erin and I broke up but are on mostly friendly terms (which is good, it's a little rough but I'm pulling through) and I was mad at Adam for awhile (which I'm mostly over) but really it's going okay. I have this major problem applying myself, I really have to work at it, hard. It's not as if I don't have fun in class, and I am not all that lazy. It's more like sometimes it's just easier NOT to do things... and let life float by me. once in awhile I question what my purpose is here, what am I supposed to do in this world?
To make matters worse, wes is probably going to have to move out... which sucks. I have been thinking about moving into an apartment with some of my other friends next month, and that would be cool, but I am afraid of losing contact with dorm folk that I have made into good friends since I was here.
I question what I believe, and I question God. I wish the answers were easy and that life didn't change so much, but I know I can make it through the tough times... I've done it before.
To end on a happier note, I really like my calculus teacher this year, he makes it so much easier than the teacher I had last time.
I saw a bluebird
sitting peacfully alone
his song makes the sky
this is erik, (a.k.a The Thumbless Wonder or Captain Thumbless) signing off.
(adam! you wanted a mention, so here's one for you! I will try to always end in a hiaku, whether goofy, sad, funny, or plain good. the next one will somehow RELATE to or be about you! goodluck !)
(0) comments
I haven't posted anything on here, much less BEEN on here, in the last couple of months. I finally got my computer fixed and decided i wanted to get back on the internet, but it's been awhile.
Lots has happened this semester, really. Erin and I broke up but are on mostly friendly terms (which is good, it's a little rough but I'm pulling through) and I was mad at Adam for awhile (which I'm mostly over) but really it's going okay. I have this major problem applying myself, I really have to work at it, hard. It's not as if I don't have fun in class, and I am not all that lazy. It's more like sometimes it's just easier NOT to do things... and let life float by me. once in awhile I question what my purpose is here, what am I supposed to do in this world?
To make matters worse, wes is probably going to have to move out... which sucks. I have been thinking about moving into an apartment with some of my other friends next month, and that would be cool, but I am afraid of losing contact with dorm folk that I have made into good friends since I was here.
I question what I believe, and I question God. I wish the answers were easy and that life didn't change so much, but I know I can make it through the tough times... I've done it before.
To end on a happier note, I really like my calculus teacher this year, he makes it so much easier than the teacher I had last time.
I saw a bluebird
sitting peacfully alone
his song makes the sky
this is erik, (a.k.a The Thumbless Wonder or Captain Thumbless) signing off.
(adam! you wanted a mention, so here's one for you! I will try to always end in a hiaku, whether goofy, sad, funny, or plain good. the next one will somehow RELATE to or be about you! goodluck !)