
Oct 26, 2003

As you can see, my page now kicks it hardcore! I got my links up and cooler than ever!
It took me a while, but i got all the html working... I just hope I didn't miss any disclaimers saying that I couldn't take one of the images that I did... I looked, so if someone gets mad, I'll take it down and I apologize.
I, personally, like my rating. that's all I got to say about that.
I went to Red Lobster with Raymond, Gabe and my brother Rex. it was pretty fun... I like hanging out with them (for those who don't know, Gabe and Raymond are my RA's, the people who run cross center and make sure it doesn't fall apart, and thank god for them).

I've beaten Halo on legendary so many times now I could do it with my eyes closed. HURRY UP, Halo 2!

Small animals crowd
Tired caution stains my mind
Rodents overflow

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