Sep 28, 2004
I got a superman poster at Walmart. it's blue- with a huge superman shield in the middle of it. I don't know where it's going yet, but it IS going up.
(0) comments
you know, sometimes I feel silly.
I know HOW snake venom works- I've known that for a long time. but I never thought about what it was made up of. tonight I was reading the snake book my mom got me, and of course I finally read that it's made up of enzymes. how simple- and how obvious!
almost all the venomous snakes have Phospholipase A2 in their venom, but that's only one of many enzymes that can be found in snake venom.
Let me be really stereotypical here for a second and categorize snakes and venomtypes.
You've got two types of venom- Cyto (or hemo) toxins, and then neurotoxins.
Cytotoxins jam up your lymphatic systems, they kill cell walls, blood cells, blood vessels, heart and lung tissue- and make a huge mess. lots of bruising and blisters, maybe even some coughed up blood.
Neurotoxins are considered more dangerous- they kill nerve cells, and actually block neurotransmitters. They can cause paralysis, and they commonly stop your breathing.
one of the reasons they are more dangerous is that the effects are not clearly visible. You can't physically SEE shortness of breath- not like you can see someone's arm swell up and blister and bruise.
the lethal dosage from a texas coral snake (untreated, and for a human) is somewhere in the area of 8-16 mL. A western Diamondback is something like 81 or 82 mL, and the venom from a Mojave (the most dangerous N. American Rattlesnake) is something in the 50's or 60's.
this varies from person to person (it's like bees- some people are allergic, and some people seem fairly unnafected), and from snake to snake, too.
Also, a coral snake really has to chew on you for a while to get you with a lethal dosage.
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I know HOW snake venom works- I've known that for a long time. but I never thought about what it was made up of. tonight I was reading the snake book my mom got me, and of course I finally read that it's made up of enzymes. how simple- and how obvious!
almost all the venomous snakes have Phospholipase A2 in their venom, but that's only one of many enzymes that can be found in snake venom.
Let me be really stereotypical here for a second and categorize snakes and venomtypes.
You've got two types of venom- Cyto (or hemo) toxins, and then neurotoxins.
Cytotoxins jam up your lymphatic systems, they kill cell walls, blood cells, blood vessels, heart and lung tissue- and make a huge mess. lots of bruising and blisters, maybe even some coughed up blood.
Neurotoxins are considered more dangerous- they kill nerve cells, and actually block neurotransmitters. They can cause paralysis, and they commonly stop your breathing.
one of the reasons they are more dangerous is that the effects are not clearly visible. You can't physically SEE shortness of breath- not like you can see someone's arm swell up and blister and bruise.
the lethal dosage from a texas coral snake (untreated, and for a human) is somewhere in the area of 8-16 mL. A western Diamondback is something like 81 or 82 mL, and the venom from a Mojave (the most dangerous N. American Rattlesnake) is something in the 50's or 60's.
this varies from person to person (it's like bees- some people are allergic, and some people seem fairly unnafected), and from snake to snake, too.
Also, a coral snake really has to chew on you for a while to get you with a lethal dosage.
I find this funny.
JaydFalcyn (1:01:39 AM): (the curtain is pulled up to reveal a man turning over a large rock. he jerks back, his hand is bleeding.)
JaydFalcyn (1:01:43 AM): "ouch!"
Sangomechan (1:01:59 AM): snake-bite play , huh?
JaydFalcyn (1:02:07 AM): (another man walks on stage. he's wearing thick jeans and a shirt that seems to be old and worn.)
JaydFalcyn (1:02:16 AM): "what's up? you allright?"
Sangomechan (1:02:23 AM): wise-old cowboy, I see....
JaydFalcyn (1:02:27 AM): "yeah, it's just a snakebite. nothing to worry about."
JaydFalcyn (1:02:34 AM): (second man looks shocked)
Sangomechan (1:02:35 AM): lol, dies...
Sangomechan (1:02:49 AM): just kidding , continue
JaydFalcyn (1:02:53 AM): "what are you talkin' about! that varmit is a diamondback! he'll kill ya!"
Sangomechan (1:03:15 AM): BA bum bam BUM Not if you're Erik!
JaydFalcyn (1:03:24 AM): (first man shrugs.) meh. I've been bitten before, not a big deal. JaydFalcyn (1:03:45 AM): (second man pushes back his cowboy hat, scratches head) I just can't believe that.
JaydFalcyn (1:04:10 AM): (first man looks over the tipped rock, and reaches down to pick something up. his hand comes up with an 8 foot snake- dead.)
JaydFalcyn (1:04:23 AM): (second man looks stunned.) "how in tarnation----!"
JaydFalcyn (1:04:50 AM): (first man shrugs.) "whoops. thats the third one today!"
Sangomechan (1:05:01 AM): *falls over laughing*
Sangomechan (1:05:05 AM): WOW
JaydFalcyn (1:05:11 AM): (curtain falls, as the audience sits in silence, deciding whether or not they should be clapping.)
Sangomechan (1:05:24 AM): "It must be the immunity in my blood", right?
Sangomechan (1:05:38 AM): *APPLAUSE!*
JaydFalcyn (1:05:40 AM): haha!
JaydFalcyn (1:05:56 AM): we actually have a western diamondback at my house.
Sangomechan (1:06:08 AM): iN ...A .... Cage... right?
JaydFalcyn(1:06:21 AM): no, it's living in my mom's closet. :-!
Sangomechan (1:06:32 AM):
JaydFalcyn (1:06:41 AM): yes, of course it's in a cage! :-)
Sangomechan (1:06:49 AM): you TURD!
JaydFalcyn (1:07:00 AM): haha! you CAN'T have believed that! *looks shocked*
Sangomechan (1:07:04 AM): I can't believe you just did that to me!
JaydFalcyn (1:07:09 AM): Hhahahahahahaha
Sangomechan (1:07:27 AM): I was about to call people to go FUMIGATE your house!
(0) comments
JaydFalcyn (1:01:43 AM): "ouch!"
Sangomechan (1:01:59 AM): snake-bite play , huh?
JaydFalcyn (1:02:07 AM): (another man walks on stage. he's wearing thick jeans and a shirt that seems to be old and worn.)
JaydFalcyn (1:02:16 AM): "what's up? you allright?"
Sangomechan (1:02:23 AM): wise-old cowboy, I see....
JaydFalcyn (1:02:27 AM): "yeah, it's just a snakebite. nothing to worry about."
JaydFalcyn (1:02:34 AM): (second man looks shocked)
Sangomechan (1:02:35 AM): lol, dies...
Sangomechan (1:02:49 AM): just kidding , continue
JaydFalcyn (1:02:53 AM): "what are you talkin' about! that varmit is a diamondback! he'll kill ya!"
Sangomechan (1:03:15 AM): BA bum bam BUM Not if you're Erik!
JaydFalcyn (1:03:24 AM): (first man shrugs.) meh. I've been bitten before, not a big deal. JaydFalcyn (1:03:45 AM): (second man pushes back his cowboy hat, scratches head) I just can't believe that.
JaydFalcyn (1:04:10 AM): (first man looks over the tipped rock, and reaches down to pick something up. his hand comes up with an 8 foot snake- dead.)
JaydFalcyn (1:04:23 AM): (second man looks stunned.) "how in tarnation----!"
JaydFalcyn (1:04:50 AM): (first man shrugs.) "whoops. thats the third one today!"
Sangomechan (1:05:01 AM): *falls over laughing*
Sangomechan (1:05:05 AM): WOW
JaydFalcyn (1:05:11 AM): (curtain falls, as the audience sits in silence, deciding whether or not they should be clapping.)
Sangomechan (1:05:24 AM): "It must be the immunity in my blood", right?
Sangomechan (1:05:38 AM): *APPLAUSE!*
JaydFalcyn (1:05:40 AM): haha!
JaydFalcyn (1:05:56 AM): we actually have a western diamondback at my house.
Sangomechan (1:06:08 AM): iN ...A .... Cage... right?
JaydFalcyn(1:06:21 AM): no, it's living in my mom's closet. :-!
Sangomechan (1:06:32 AM):
JaydFalcyn (1:06:41 AM): yes, of course it's in a cage! :-)
Sangomechan (1:06:49 AM): you TURD!
JaydFalcyn (1:07:00 AM): haha! you CAN'T have believed that! *looks shocked*
Sangomechan (1:07:04 AM): I can't believe you just did that to me!
JaydFalcyn (1:07:09 AM): Hhahahahahahaha
Sangomechan (1:07:27 AM): I was about to call people to go FUMIGATE your house!
Sep 16, 2004
I should be asleep. but I'm not. whoops!
went to eat dinner with my parents at the service station today, and then my mom got me some new sunglasses and a new alarm clock (which is really cool!)
the clock set itself when I plugged it in. weird.
the sunglasses look sexy on me (of course.)
and the servive station has a tasty bleu cheese sauce burger.
played SC with Manders and Wes, lost to wes first game, and then won the second one. pretty fun- Wes is getting a lottt better with protoss, and Amanda got waaayyyy better with the terrans (she took out one of the enemies by herself!)
hmm. what else? I work a full day tommorow, starting in... 7 hours. yay for me, what a moron.
oh, and James is getting Wilco tickets, and I'm going to the zoo sunday, so it's all packed, and all fun.
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went to eat dinner with my parents at the service station today, and then my mom got me some new sunglasses and a new alarm clock (which is really cool!)
the clock set itself when I plugged it in. weird.
the sunglasses look sexy on me (of course.)
and the servive station has a tasty bleu cheese sauce burger.
played SC with Manders and Wes, lost to wes first game, and then won the second one. pretty fun- Wes is getting a lottt better with protoss, and Amanda got waaayyyy better with the terrans (she took out one of the enemies by herself!)
hmm. what else? I work a full day tommorow, starting in... 7 hours. yay for me, what a moron.
oh, and James is getting Wilco tickets, and I'm going to the zoo sunday, so it's all packed, and all fun.
Sep 15, 2004
oh, and I saw a Salene Mustang on the highway yesterday, too.
(2) comments
Sep 14, 2004
there's nothing quite like cruising down the highway at 80 miles an hour, singing "Annie Waits" at the top of my lungs. On the way home from work, and that's what what I was doing, singing Ben Folds. I'm sure I got strange looks, but do I care?
Speaking of work, it's going great. So far I enjoy it, I'm still getting everything down- I'm looking at it as one big puzzle- memorizing codes, tricking the feisty registers into doing what you want. Jessica, my supervisor, makes learning everything really easy, and I'm thankful for that.
They decided to give me 8 and a half hours on thursday, just so they can get me to deal with all the problems that I SHOULD encounter. I have everything down well enough that I expect they will start letting me more or less work on my own soon. the only thing I need to get down now (other than movie rentals) is the T bar- let's see if I can't get this right real quick-
(birthdate) (the confirmation number)
(customer ID #) (State code goes here, in my case, OK)
yeah, that's right. this is for cashing a check for someone- like a payroll check. it's a long sequence, but hey- for some reason I don't have any problem with cash register codes but a simple T-bar has me scratching my head.
(0) comments
Speaking of work, it's going great. So far I enjoy it, I'm still getting everything down- I'm looking at it as one big puzzle- memorizing codes, tricking the feisty registers into doing what you want. Jessica, my supervisor, makes learning everything really easy, and I'm thankful for that.
They decided to give me 8 and a half hours on thursday, just so they can get me to deal with all the problems that I SHOULD encounter. I have everything down well enough that I expect they will start letting me more or less work on my own soon. the only thing I need to get down now (other than movie rentals) is the T bar- let's see if I can't get this right real quick-
(birthdate) (the confirmation number)
(customer ID #) (State code goes here, in my case, OK)
yeah, that's right. this is for cashing a check for someone- like a payroll check. it's a long sequence, but hey- for some reason I don't have any problem with cash register codes but a simple T-bar has me scratching my head.
Sep 12, 2004
so, I decided to leave a quick update while I eat all these pixy sticks and sit, uselessly, in front of my computer.
Ben, Emily, and I got through act I of D2 last night- maybe that's a bad thing to start up, who knows.
work is nice- I think I'm going to enjoy being a customer service representative-person.
hmm, what else? I was an extra on a converse commercial, today! that was fun. Darrell, my friend and film major was filming it for some reason, so hey. Ben, James D. and I all got to jump off a sidewalk, I know, so cool. :-! well, that's all for now.
(0) comments
Ben, Emily, and I got through act I of D2 last night- maybe that's a bad thing to start up, who knows.
work is nice- I think I'm going to enjoy being a customer service representative-person.
hmm, what else? I was an extra on a converse commercial, today! that was fun. Darrell, my friend and film major was filming it for some reason, so hey. Ben, James D. and I all got to jump off a sidewalk, I know, so cool. :-! well, that's all for now.
Sep 9, 2004
it seems the wedding is off.......
sorry to put all of your hopes up and then drop them, shattering, to the floor.
It reminds me of that time in pepe delgados when the man in the both next to me farted so hard that the flatulence carried my empty plate RIGHT off the table and onto the floor!
Don't believe that? Don't believe my last post, either.
(1) comments
sorry to put all of your hopes up and then drop them, shattering, to the floor.
It reminds me of that time in pepe delgados when the man in the both next to me farted so hard that the flatulence carried my empty plate RIGHT off the table and onto the floor!
Don't believe that? Don't believe my last post, either.
"hey everybody!
as you may or may not know, my good friend Nikki Acton is getting married sometime next month- so if you DO know her, you might be getting an invitation in the mail soon!
I don't know all the details yet, and the name of the groom can not be currently disclosed, because I believe Nikki will kill me if I disclose it, and that's her info to tell. Location, Catering, and time have not been set, either.
Please look forward to more updates!"
you can also check the "1,000 words or more" sidebar link for a more comprehensive update, as I assume Nikki will be posting one there soon.
At first, I was fairly apprehensive of the idea of one of my friends getting married. After thinking about it for quite a while, I've become (more apprehensive) relaxed to the situation. People get married all the time, it's a natural part of life.
In other news, I now have an AK-47 stock on my wall, along with a katana. Yes, that's right, a katana. anyway, I was thinking of getting a tanto and a wakizashi and finishing the set off so I can cleanly commit seppuku.
(0) comments
as you may or may not know, my good friend Nikki Acton is getting married sometime next month- so if you DO know her, you might be getting an invitation in the mail soon!
I don't know all the details yet, and the name of the groom can not be currently disclosed, because I believe Nikki will kill me if I disclose it, and that's her info to tell. Location, Catering, and time have not been set, either.
Please look forward to more updates!"
you can also check the "1,000 words or more" sidebar link for a more comprehensive update, as I assume Nikki will be posting one there soon.
At first, I was fairly apprehensive of the idea of one of my friends getting married. After thinking about it for quite a while, I've become (more apprehensive) relaxed to the situation. People get married all the time, it's a natural part of life.
In other news, I now have an AK-47 stock on my wall, along with a katana. Yes, that's right, a katana. anyway, I was thinking of getting a tanto and a wakizashi and finishing the set off so I can cleanly commit seppuku.
Sep 7, 2004
I sit at the kitchen table, eating 7 layer bean dip and reading Prey. Crichton's ability to write out a NORMAL family caught in an amazing situation impresses me.
"'Really, Dad, I don't care. It's in the past. I'm moving on." And then a moment later, 'You know who got it? That little suckup Katie Richards! Mr. Blakely is just a dick!' And before I could say anything, she burst into tears, sobbing loudly and histrionically. Eric looked over at me, and rolled his eyes.
I drove home, making a mental note to speak to Nicole about her language after dinner, when she had calmed down."
I look up from Prey (Crichton is is such a good writer), my water is boiling on the stove for the Ramen. It's 4 o'clock, but my metabolism is wack, and I'm hungry. The orange-yellow wrapper of the chicken ramen winks at me from the top of the fridge, and I take it down. I can barely see the flavor packet through the package, as if it's been sitting in the sun for too long, and has been faded. Is that bad?
I'm reminded, momentarily, of what Nikki said the other day- "I don't know if you all are gonna want to eat that, it's at least a couple years old."
MY stomach growls, and I shrug, opening the wrapper. are the noodles a bit too dry looking? I dump the noodles into the water- they seem to be boiling normally.
I go back to Prey, idly pushing a chip through the bean dip on my plate. I glance down for a moment, pushing a black olive away, and then bring my eyes back to the book and my hand to my mouth.
A moment later, the Ramen is hissing on the stove. I get up- it looks done to me.
I start pouring off some of the water in the fashion I typically do, careful not to lose too many noodles. I put the flavor packet in, start stirring it around. The smell of the Ramen wafts up towards me, and my nostrils flare. Something's wrong. It smells funny.
I examine the Ramen closely, noticing hundreds of little brown spots I've never noticed before. Have those always been in my Ramen? I can't tell for sure.
I begin to identify the smell, like decaying starch, a tangy, dry and barely pronounced smell that makes me stop breathing for a moment, just holding the smell in.
Is this going to make me sick again? I just got done with my last bout of sickness- I don't want to be sick, again!
Cautiously I bring a spoonful of the stuff to my mouth- is it a little less yellow than chicken ramen usually looks?
I sniff the ramen again, it still smells odd, almost musty. With only slight hesitation, I put the spoon in my mouth, and let the contents slide off onto my tongue. I roll it for a moment- but the texture seems normal. It tastes weird, slightly different, but I coud not explain, exactly, how.
I swallow, and stand perfectly still for a moment. No convulsions. No choking. I don't seem to have a temperature.
After a few more moments, I bring another spoonful to my mouth. it's not that bad, only slightly alien in taste.
I do not know how many times I bring the spoon to my mouth, but I stop, and look at the bowl. Half of it remains.
I glance at the top of the refrigerator, and the remaining packet of ancient chicken ramen there, among the bags of chips. After a moment of staring at the ugly yellow wrapper, I pour the contents of my bowl down the drain.
Someone else can eat the other packet.
(1) comments
"'Really, Dad, I don't care. It's in the past. I'm moving on." And then a moment later, 'You know who got it? That little suckup Katie Richards! Mr. Blakely is just a dick!' And before I could say anything, she burst into tears, sobbing loudly and histrionically. Eric looked over at me, and rolled his eyes.
I drove home, making a mental note to speak to Nicole about her language after dinner, when she had calmed down."
I look up from Prey (Crichton is is such a good writer), my water is boiling on the stove for the Ramen. It's 4 o'clock, but my metabolism is wack, and I'm hungry. The orange-yellow wrapper of the chicken ramen winks at me from the top of the fridge, and I take it down. I can barely see the flavor packet through the package, as if it's been sitting in the sun for too long, and has been faded. Is that bad?
I'm reminded, momentarily, of what Nikki said the other day- "I don't know if you all are gonna want to eat that, it's at least a couple years old."
MY stomach growls, and I shrug, opening the wrapper. are the noodles a bit too dry looking? I dump the noodles into the water- they seem to be boiling normally.
I go back to Prey, idly pushing a chip through the bean dip on my plate. I glance down for a moment, pushing a black olive away, and then bring my eyes back to the book and my hand to my mouth.
A moment later, the Ramen is hissing on the stove. I get up- it looks done to me.
I start pouring off some of the water in the fashion I typically do, careful not to lose too many noodles. I put the flavor packet in, start stirring it around. The smell of the Ramen wafts up towards me, and my nostrils flare. Something's wrong. It smells funny.
I examine the Ramen closely, noticing hundreds of little brown spots I've never noticed before. Have those always been in my Ramen? I can't tell for sure.
I begin to identify the smell, like decaying starch, a tangy, dry and barely pronounced smell that makes me stop breathing for a moment, just holding the smell in.
Is this going to make me sick again? I just got done with my last bout of sickness- I don't want to be sick, again!
Cautiously I bring a spoonful of the stuff to my mouth- is it a little less yellow than chicken ramen usually looks?
I sniff the ramen again, it still smells odd, almost musty. With only slight hesitation, I put the spoon in my mouth, and let the contents slide off onto my tongue. I roll it for a moment- but the texture seems normal. It tastes weird, slightly different, but I coud not explain, exactly, how.
I swallow, and stand perfectly still for a moment. No convulsions. No choking. I don't seem to have a temperature.
After a few more moments, I bring another spoonful to my mouth. it's not that bad, only slightly alien in taste.
I do not know how many times I bring the spoon to my mouth, but I stop, and look at the bowl. Half of it remains.
I glance at the top of the refrigerator, and the remaining packet of ancient chicken ramen there, among the bags of chips. After a moment of staring at the ugly yellow wrapper, I pour the contents of my bowl down the drain.
Someone else can eat the other packet.
Sep 5, 2004
this one is for everyone who is terrified of Spiders.

"Wolf Spider, common name for any of a group of ground-dwelling hunting spiders. Wolf spiders occupy nearly every type of terrestrial habitat and include many of the most common and conspicuous spiders. They are particularly abundant in prairie areas and are frequently the most diverse spider group in arctic and alpine areas. There are more than 2000 wolf spider species."
"they are not considered dangerous."
however, RAID is NOT harmless.
yes, that's right, I said NOT harmless.
7 in the morning.... this is bad practice.
on wednesday, I start orientation for my job at albertsons. it makes me happy and anxious and ill all at once.
AS for being ill, It's pretty much like a liquid aenima around here- don't eat the 83/27 meat, ever!
yeah, that was a bad experience... anyway, I made a post earlier about sophie's antics in regards to my keyboard, and i started a short story- but thanks to this A key that doesn't work (ben your keyboard is very helpful, thanks, but half the keys are stuck...) it's hard work typing.
Right now I'm using the keys on one half of ben's keyboard, and half the keys on the other side of mine.
I was in a really crappy mood earlier tonight. I don't know why- maybe it WAS that time of month, again. (meh.)
picked up Crichton's Prey, I don't know if I will read it right now- I'm sooo impatient to get back to work on my stories....!
that's all for now. you guys have a goodnight. it's too bad none of you know how to leave any form of feedback... ;)
(0) comments
on wednesday, I start orientation for my job at albertsons. it makes me happy and anxious and ill all at once.
AS for being ill, It's pretty much like a liquid aenima around here- don't eat the 83/27 meat, ever!
yeah, that was a bad experience... anyway, I made a post earlier about sophie's antics in regards to my keyboard, and i started a short story- but thanks to this A key that doesn't work (ben your keyboard is very helpful, thanks, but half the keys are stuck...) it's hard work typing.
Right now I'm using the keys on one half of ben's keyboard, and half the keys on the other side of mine.
I was in a really crappy mood earlier tonight. I don't know why- maybe it WAS that time of month, again. (meh.)
picked up Crichton's Prey, I don't know if I will read it right now- I'm sooo impatient to get back to work on my stories....!
that's all for now. you guys have a goodnight. it's too bad none of you know how to leave any form of feedback... ;)
Sep 3, 2004

Adam originally made this card, allthough I changed it a little bit and could not remember the exact original wording.

one of amandas, this is an Indiana Jones joke. in the Last Crusade Indie says (to his classroom of students) "Now remember, X NEVER marks the spot."
Later on, after finding a large X in the floor, he says, "X marks the spot."

this is one of ben's. I think it's hilarious- you can take it badly if you want, but it's total satirical amusement.
I swear, I've been ill for the last five days or so. I hate stomch viruses. Mucus. the intestinal works.
that's all, because some of you will be disgusted if I go into detail.
(0) comments
that's all, because some of you will be disgusted if I go into detail.
how did I miss this?
This was in friends journal from a while back.
"Would I make a good dictator? I mean, I'm sure I could run a small rebel nation competently, but what about global dominance? Do you think I could do that?"
I don't know how I missed it. it made me laugh.
(0) comments
"Would I make a good dictator? I mean, I'm sure I could run a small rebel nation competently, but what about global dominance? Do you think I could do that?"
I don't know how I missed it. it made me laugh.
new comment system
I set up a new comment system, close in the way it works to the comment systems of Xanga or LiveJournal. you don't HAVE to be member to use it, so everyone who isn't member of blogger can still post.
(0) comments
what an interesting predicament.
Sophie, perhaps the most evil of all the Felinidae (and also the most loved, by me) I know, most definitely has complicated things massively by spilling that most atrocious of all liquids, Dihydrogen Oxide, into the keyboard of my laptop computer.
Thankfully, Ben had an extra mac keyboard, but it is old, decrepit, and has sticky keys.
Ben, I very much appreciate you allowing me to use the keyboard, but I must regretfully inform you that I have decided to use it in the following manner-
It has been set off to the LEFT of my computer, and when it is most necessary that I use it, my left hand (the undoubtedly superior hand) shoots over and pushes only the A key.
It is a most unfortunate situation, and has slowed my typing somewhat.
However, things will only get MORE unfortunate from here. I suppose that I must now send the entire device to DELL, and then they will haggle with me over percentages of my soul.
That, and the shift and S keys are making funny noises, when I touch them.
I think I said, quite a while ago, that I wouldn't mind too much if the computer broke. I wonder who I was kidding. or perhaps it's just that this specific method of error is most annoying.
(1) comments
Thankfully, Ben had an extra mac keyboard, but it is old, decrepit, and has sticky keys.
Ben, I very much appreciate you allowing me to use the keyboard, but I must regretfully inform you that I have decided to use it in the following manner-
It has been set off to the LEFT of my computer, and when it is most necessary that I use it, my left hand (the undoubtedly superior hand) shoots over and pushes only the A key.
It is a most unfortunate situation, and has slowed my typing somewhat.
However, things will only get MORE unfortunate from here. I suppose that I must now send the entire device to DELL, and then they will haggle with me over percentages of my soul.
That, and the shift and S keys are making funny noises, when I touch them.
I think I said, quite a while ago, that I wouldn't mind too much if the computer broke. I wonder who I was kidding. or perhaps it's just that this specific method of error is most annoying.
Sep 2, 2004

happy birthday. the cake sucks ass, but it's the best I could do on short notice. hope you like the surreal style. :)
I want everyone to hope, or pray, or wish well to, or wish luck to, or whatever it is you do-
I want you all to do whatever it is for the Certa family. Alex is one of my little brother's friends, and his father has cancer- really, really bad cancer.
He lost his mother years earlier....
Everybody- if I was really into prayer, I'd ask for it- I don't know what it is you do- just keep his family in your thoughts, please. it's going to be tough.
(0) comments
I want you all to do whatever it is for the Certa family. Alex is one of my little brother's friends, and his father has cancer- really, really bad cancer.
He lost his mother years earlier....
Everybody- if I was really into prayer, I'd ask for it- I don't know what it is you do- just keep his family in your thoughts, please. it's going to be tough.
"Each line should be like a brushstroke, making up the whole of the painting. especially in poetry, or so I think."
"Funny, because that's the exact example I occasionally use, but only when the blender fails."
The first line is me, the second is someone responding to what I said. they described words as a blender, vibarting, functioning. I responded about my comment on art.
Fine. but in poetry, you want to paint a picture, not make a mechanical being. I stand by this- I think you should look at it as art first, and as a piece of working machinery second.
They have obviously never read William Carlos Williams.
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"Funny, because that's the exact example I occasionally use, but only when the blender fails."
The first line is me, the second is someone responding to what I said. they described words as a blender, vibarting, functioning. I responded about my comment on art.
Fine. but in poetry, you want to paint a picture, not make a mechanical being. I stand by this- I think you should look at it as art first, and as a piece of working machinery second.
They have obviously never read William Carlos Williams.
warp drive
the alcubierre warp drive is closer to being realized. Interested in superluminal travel? read about it here.
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times change.
(0) commentswoe.
I went to bed at 12- because I have a drug test at 8 (that's less than four hours from now). I woke up 15 inutes ago because Sophie was sleeping on my foot, and now I can't get back to sleep...
If I fell asleep again now, I could sleep for an hour and a half.
The drug test is for albertsons, I finally got a job! I'm not worried about the drug test; I know I'll pass it- but I AM worried about sleep.
and lots of caffeine.
thanks, that's all. I'm going to try and go to sleep again.
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If I fell asleep again now, I could sleep for an hour and a half.
The drug test is for albertsons, I finally got a job! I'm not worried about the drug test; I know I'll pass it- but I AM worried about sleep.
and lots of caffeine.
thanks, that's all. I'm going to try and go to sleep again.
Sep 1, 2004
This was on a friends livejournal, I couldn't help but repost it, because I think it's hilarious. Matt, you'll go down in History as having one of the greatest quotes ever.
"I was listening to the Republican Convention on the radio and blood started shooting out of my ears"
-- Matthew J. Bruehl 8/31/04
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"I was listening to the Republican Convention on the radio and blood started shooting out of my ears"
-- Matthew J. Bruehl 8/31/04