
Dec 23, 2003

I wasn't charmed by something I watched yesterday.

I was watching TNT the other day, and I saw a commercial on the television with the actors of Charmed talking about how their show was good, and why the characters were dynamic/likeable.
So I sat down and bothered to watch some of the show, while I was folding laundry, and doing other useful things around the apartment (yeah, right).

Wow. what a shitty show!!! I can deal with the low budget effects, as alot of tv shows have them that I can and do enjoy. Not everyone has millions of dollars to spend on spiffy effects.
But what I can't deal with is the way the actors play their roles, or more accuratley, don't.
One major problem was the sheer stupidity of the characters. They don't sit down to think about anything.
Here's one- apparently the three main characters have a very important job to protect humanity. However, when something looks important, they're like, "let's not panick! It's not like there have been earth quakes and tidal waves everywhere, and one of us has been having these prophetic dreams about the end of the world!"
Instead, one of the sisters says something along the lines of "let's disregard the fact that we have these special powers and assume you're wrong (when it is very obvious to ANYONE, not only the viewer....) and go on with our normal lives. well guess what??? you DON'T get TO HAVE normal lives! you're witches charged with the protection of the world, there's no "normal" about that! and you choose to purposefully disregard what is clear to anyone on scene or off???

Of course, I shouldn't hate the actors. It is, of course, the fault of the screenwriters who can't seem to think of any other way to create conflict. so they create conflict by making the sisters bicker over stupid stuff NO ONE argues over. and make stupid decisions no one would make- ever. I hate TV.

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