
Jul 19, 2007

Since joining myspace (simply to comment on someone’s site) I have gotten MORE junk mail and junk invitations to be someone’s pal than I. Have. Ever. Seen. In. my. Life.

Myspace is a cancerous growth that is festering on the internet and eating out everyone’s insides. It is an ad-coated piece of crap which enables people who should NEVER even have a webpage, much less a computer, to write about themselves at whim.

If you couldn’t figure out livejournal or blogger, myspace might be for you. If you like getting solicitations and junk mail all the time, myspace is for you. And finally, if you like your private webpage compromised by ads for products that you might not have ever heard of, myspace is for you.

haha! That reminds me of the adds for chemistry.com that takes all the people rejected from eharmony. "Too much of a loser to be able to find a date there? C'mon down! We have a match just for YOU!!"
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