Aug 29, 2004

this is the wall to the left of my desk, it's kinda cluttered up there.
you'll notice the bebop and fight club posters- but from there I'll give you a tour. (you can spot the gas mask on your own)
to the right of the bebop poster (top) are some 20 MM shells that came out of my grandad's garage.
below that is a picture of a Minuteman missle (it's the rocket cone, anyway). It WAS a classified picture at one point. I don't think it is anymore. I found that one in my grandad's garage, too.
below that is a picture of esprit, which is harder to see (she's the white siamese, there)
and below that is an impossible to see photo of michael, evan, james downing, rex, daniel, erin and myself from ages ago. I don't know- summer before Senior year, maybe? which would make it 3 and a half (at least) years old.
Then there's a picture of kelly (one of my dogs) slightly to the right of that.
Below those is another picture of the minuteman missle (inside a transport erector truck that's tipped over)
and to the LEFT of that and below the bebop poster is a picture erin drew a long time ago. It's a bat, I think. I'm not sure really what's going on there, it's abstract, you'd have to ask the artist, but I liked it enough to leave it in the collection of "art that will go on my wall no matter what condition it's in," so it stays.
starting back at the top- impossible to see- are two hot wheels cars I thought looked cool.
below those is a picture of a IM-99 Bomarc Interceptor missle taking off (I somehow doubt we're using those anymore, it's cold war era).
below that is a large black and white print of Aslan,
and below that (I've moved the books, now- but it's hard to see in this picture...) is a black and white hand with it's finger on a chess piece. don't strain your eyes- but the left half is pencil and the right half is an actual photo, that's why it looks funny.
that's all for that part of the room.
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