
Aug 3, 2004

on a different note 

I haven't written anything where the public can see it in quite a while. I decided the short story that is becoming my book off of the public blog, so to speak, and it's coming along nicely. except for the crap I mentioned in the previous post.

I guess I'll write a short story, at some point, and post it on here, just to amuse myself, and everyone who bothers to read this. James, I know you check up on this site all the time becase you're incredibly bored (I know, you would do something else, but there's nothing better; and admit it. you get some sort of sick pleasure out of listening to your friends whine and bitch about stuff you've allready heard about.), and I know there are some others who check just because I never have another way to contact them...

wow. that sentence got too long.

basically, I don't care if any of you don't care about what I write here- I'll find something a little better than lame to write.

I wonder where I stand on offending people, these days. I used to think I cared, and then I didn't, and now I'm not too sure. somewhere in between.

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