
Aug 3, 2004

meh. I need a new game. and microsoft word back. basically.

I keep writing bits of chapters in my head, and it annoys me to no end that I cannot write them down in my word-processorless computer. it's total bull.
then my computer attempted to crash AGAIN earlier, and now it thinks Microsoft Works Suite came preinstalled on my computer.
what the hell? no, it didn't! I had to reformat, and I got rid of everything that was here, and replaced what I could. MICROSOFT works wouldn't INSTALL. so, why the HELL does it think it was there to begin with? what a piece! If I could just get Word to install, but no, I can't!!!!

Oh, right. and I reallllllly despise Microsoft now. I tried to reinstall Word Perfect so I'd at least have something to write on other than my notebook with pen/pencil, but NO, the frigging SERIAL number on the paper didn't even frigging fit!!!!
"Please enter the serial number that came with Word Perfect in the spaces below."

Well shit, I would, except the SERIAL NUMBER doesn't even fucking fit. and when I enter what is clearly labeled as "Serial Number," the numbers that DON'T fit, it says "The Serial Number you have entered is not valid."
tell me something I DON'T know. for god's sakes. I hate things, SO much.

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