
Apr 17, 2007

Everything you will Need 

Ascii table (to convert letters/numbers)

A binary translator (this will translate the text on your cd. otherwise, you can do it the long way and use the ascii table. in fact, if you want to use this to learn HOW to code in binary, help yourself.)

other than the number strings in the static that I was muttering about, there appear to be RED letters within the song lyrics themselves. just like in the tour shirt, these spell words. in this case, numbers.

I'm really, really tired. I'm going to sleep.

so what about those numbers in the pictures? I'm not sure anyone has figured out what they are for...
what? you know you want to play along. :)
or not.
oh, come on. you know the whole Year Zero ARG is sucking you in.....
ARG sounds like a pirate.
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