Dec 27, 2006
Christmas was nice. I have to say that I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Haven't gotten anything for my family-family in Oklahoma yet, though. whoops!
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Haven't gotten anything for my family-family in Oklahoma yet, though. whoops!
Dec 21, 2006
Australia has at least one nice car you won't ever see on american streets.

The ford falcon that died off in something like the 70s in america THRIVED in australia. here it is now, one of the best fords, no, I take that back, the best looking ford I've seen. ever. short of the new shelby GT 500, which is really a shelby. if ford had something like this on american roads (it's a sedan with an attitude) I might be more inclined to think that Fords didn't suck. which they do.
Sean and his present

Sean with the present we gave him for being somthin'-erother in the wedding. that's right, i have no idea what he was. he played a trumpet as we walked down the aisle. it was nice.
Dec 20, 2006
leaving the reception-thingie (finally!)

Sean took this one, I think. good picture! note to self: never let Wes Williams near my car again. :)
damn, I reallllly have a hot wife.
more more honeymoon pictures
(0) commentsBeall mansion

this place was HUGE! and nice. (and expensive.) thanks to my mom for putting us here. my car looks right at home out front, right? :)
Dad and Niaz
(0) commentscuttin' the cake.
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We will give you a few facts, though. Honda made the Civic Si a coupe once again, which is fine as this is the most powerful Civic ever. A whopping 197 horses are being sent to the flywheel! However, this number was attained using the new SAE measuring methods. Using the old 2005 methods would put this car at about 210 horses or so. A limited-slip differential is also standard on this car, making this car aggressive in the twisties, too.
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Dec 19, 2006
more honeymoon pictures
(0) commentsTracy and I in the top of the arch
(0) commentshoneymoon- botanitcal gardens and the arch
(0) commentsthe car.

finally. it took me too long to get some pictures up, but here she is. the ones below are of my calipers, which I just painted to match the car... anyway. this picture was taken with a digital camera and a 10 second exposure- it seems fuzzy because, unfortunately, I have no tripod to put my camera on. YOU try holding a camera perfectly still at NIGHT for 10 seconds.