Dec 31, 2005
Of the two store managers that I work for, One is a sexist & vicious micro-manager, and the other is a huge slacker.
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In 1997, a statistical study stated that "smokers are 63% more likely to litter than non-smokers." The people performing the study forgot that causation is not necessarily correlation, however.
In 2045, another study was performed that involved (in its first run) 100 non-smokers. Each person was placed in a room, thinking that they were being 'interviewed' for a job position. At the beginning of the interview, they are each handed a random piece of paper by the 'interviewer.' The interviewer tells the hapless person that they are to take notes on the piece of paper when the interviewer tells them to.
The interviewer then proceeds to say nothing noteworthy and fails to tell the interviewee when they are to take notes. The test subject is then told the interview is over and that they will be contacted.
There are no trash cans in obvious sight anywhere from the interview room to the doors to the building, so what did the lab rat do?
67 people either threw the paper on the floor or inconspicously dropped it, 11 people placed the paper in their pocket and left the building (where it could no longer be tracked), 7 left it at the front desk, 6 handed it back to the interviewer, 4 people found a creative way to hide the paper somewhere, 3 people went out of their way to find a trash can, 1 left it in a water fountain, and 1 person ate it.
The only thing that really surprises me about this study is the three people who went out of their way to find a trash can. 72 people littered (confirmed) out of a total hundred, and that's a better percentage than most kids are making for grades in school these days. It's really no wonder this country is so filthy.
The Washington World Review, 2061, "Fighting the New Manhattan Landfill"
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In 2045, another study was performed that involved (in its first run) 100 non-smokers. Each person was placed in a room, thinking that they were being 'interviewed' for a job position. At the beginning of the interview, they are each handed a random piece of paper by the 'interviewer.' The interviewer tells the hapless person that they are to take notes on the piece of paper when the interviewer tells them to.
The interviewer then proceeds to say nothing noteworthy and fails to tell the interviewee when they are to take notes. The test subject is then told the interview is over and that they will be contacted.
There are no trash cans in obvious sight anywhere from the interview room to the doors to the building, so what did the lab rat do?
67 people either threw the paper on the floor or inconspicously dropped it, 11 people placed the paper in their pocket and left the building (where it could no longer be tracked), 7 left it at the front desk, 6 handed it back to the interviewer, 4 people found a creative way to hide the paper somewhere, 3 people went out of their way to find a trash can, 1 left it in a water fountain, and 1 person ate it.
The only thing that really surprises me about this study is the three people who went out of their way to find a trash can. 72 people littered (confirmed) out of a total hundred, and that's a better percentage than most kids are making for grades in school these days. It's really no wonder this country is so filthy.
The Washington World Review, 2061, "Fighting the New Manhattan Landfill"
Dec 30, 2005
I worked for five years as a gas station employee in what used to be lower D.C. You know what I think? The old saying 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer-' it's true. and it has little to do with the government.
Every day I worked there I'd see people drive up in fancy cars- BMW's, Nissan Z's, you name it. They'd pay with EBT cards, and if you don't know what that was, it was the U.S. government trying to pay for food for the poor-anyway, they'd buy pop and chips with their cards, and then drop their pocket change in the parking lot. I'm not saying their change was worth much, what with inflation and all. I'm just saying that they would drop it.
At first I'd pick it up, even with the U.S. dollar worth less than half of what it was worth at the turn of the 21st century. After awhile, though, I just got tired of cleaning up after [the poor]. I'd sweep it all up, and throw it in the trash.
So if you're asking me, seriously asking me, to re-instate old programs that will help get food for the poor, my answer is a resounding no. We don't have the money, and maybe China has the right idea.
A private converation between Head of State William Chambers and Senator LouAnn Devois, July 11th, 2089
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Every day I worked there I'd see people drive up in fancy cars- BMW's, Nissan Z's, you name it. They'd pay with EBT cards, and if you don't know what that was, it was the U.S. government trying to pay for food for the poor-anyway, they'd buy pop and chips with their cards, and then drop their pocket change in the parking lot. I'm not saying their change was worth much, what with inflation and all. I'm just saying that they would drop it.
At first I'd pick it up, even with the U.S. dollar worth less than half of what it was worth at the turn of the 21st century. After awhile, though, I just got tired of cleaning up after [the poor]. I'd sweep it all up, and throw it in the trash.
So if you're asking me, seriously asking me, to re-instate old programs that will help get food for the poor, my answer is a resounding no. We don't have the money, and maybe China has the right idea.
A private converation between Head of State William Chambers and Senator LouAnn Devois, July 11th, 2089
Oh, have you heard?
Have you heard the cry for war?
It sounds on rooftops
and shatters windows with its roar.
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Have you heard the cry for war?
It sounds on rooftops
and shatters windows with its roar.
The thing that finally killed the U.S. was the lack of nationalists, however. I'm not saying stupid policy decisions weren't a part of that, heck, if it weren't for stupid policy decisions, We still would have had SOME nationalists. I'm just saying that when the last of the true nationalists died, everywhere, the government didn't stand a chance. Thank god nobody else on earth was intersted in the States, what with China controlling its population through violence and everyone in South America and India starving to death.
Historian Terry Rogers, On the fall of the United States and the rise of the North American Union (published 2111)
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Historian Terry Rogers, On the fall of the United States and the rise of the North American Union (published 2111)
His name was hamlet, and his mother called him hammie. but that wasn't a cool gangsta name, so he soon became known as the hamstah.
it was a name that his boyz used for endearment, a name that his enemies feared. no one wanted to mess with the hamstah when he was in a rage.
and then, one day, he met a gangsta on the other side of west street who simply went by "Cat." It was a wednesday, and it was the last day anyone saw the hamstah alive.
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it was a name that his boyz used for endearment, a name that his enemies feared. no one wanted to mess with the hamstah when he was in a rage.
and then, one day, he met a gangsta on the other side of west street who simply went by "Cat." It was a wednesday, and it was the last day anyone saw the hamstah alive.
[email alert!::]Stock market and get rich quick SCAMS.
that link will show you a list of the latest get-rich-quick email scams.
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that link will show you a list of the latest get-rich-quick email scams.
Dec 18, 2005's also inexcusable for any educated adult to misuse the words their/there and the contraction of 'they are' in writing. Education is standard throughout the North American Union, and it was very widespread in the United States and Canada before that.
It's not only that people cannot use the english language appropriatley, it's that too many of them have a lack of essential knowledge in general. The symptoms can be seen everywhere- from someone who can't use their home computer to someone who opens their toaster oven and gets frustrated because they don't understand the operating directions. The ability to think is essential, and it appears it's being bred out of the human race.
That's why I would urge you all to pass this bill and rebuild our entire education program. We need more Einsteins, Bachs, and Hemmingways. Our entire survival depends upon it.
Senator Margaret Witson, in
an address to Congress dated July 6th, 2089
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It's not only that people cannot use the english language appropriatley, it's that too many of them have a lack of essential knowledge in general. The symptoms can be seen everywhere- from someone who can't use their home computer to someone who opens their toaster oven and gets frustrated because they don't understand the operating directions. The ability to think is essential, and it appears it's being bred out of the human race.
That's why I would urge you all to pass this bill and rebuild our entire education program. We need more Einsteins, Bachs, and Hemmingways. Our entire survival depends upon it.
Senator Margaret Witson, in
an address to Congress dated July 6th, 2089
You are 8% more likely to bite the inside of your mouth and bleed when you've gotten less than 4 hours of sleep.
--Strange statistics and anomalies
Jane Mulcher
May 8th,2056
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--Strange statistics and anomalies
Jane Mulcher
May 8th,2056
Dec 13, 2005
Show me a man of unflinching rectitude and I'll show you a man who hasn't been offered his price. And it's a good thing for the progress of the species. Throughout our long and sorry history it has been the men who supposed themselves to be exemplars of integrity who have done all the damage. Every crusade, whether for decent literary standards or to cover women's bodies or to free the holy land, has been launched, endorsed, and enthusiastically perpetrated by men of character.
Gregory MacAllister, "Advice for Politicians," Down from the Mountain
(-Deepsix, Jack Mcdevitt)
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Gregory MacAllister, "Advice for Politicians," Down from the Mountain
(-Deepsix, Jack Mcdevitt)
just wanted to let everyone know that my talons, allthough dulled, are definitely steel today.
I have more to say, but I'm not going to say it.
(0) comments
I have more to say, but I'm not going to say it.
Found on the back of all the gas additives I've found-
add when filling your tank. treats up to X gallons.
add before or after you fill your tank. helps remove buildup, deposits, and makes engine parts run longer.
for best results and longest lasting effects, add to a full tank of gas.
add when filling your tank.
add to a full gas tank. helps remove water from your gas line.
(0) comments
add when filling your tank. treats up to X gallons.
add before or after you fill your tank. helps remove buildup, deposits, and makes engine parts run longer.
for best results and longest lasting effects, add to a full tank of gas.
add when filling your tank.
add to a full gas tank. helps remove water from your gas line.
use as needed.
wichita, and quik trip, are good.
Osco is..... bad. not only that but their current motto isn't something lame like "making your life easier," its something inane like "use as needed."
what? take three times a day for pain, as needed. that's on the side of a medicine bottle. fine, it's helpful, but I don't want to use it. hell, if I didn't have to I wouldn't use something with that disclaimer at all.
I recently read a lot of books. Gateway, Land's End, Voices of Heaven, Deepsix, Chindi, and I'm on Polaris.
Good books, all of them. Frederik Pohl the first three, and Jack Mcdevitt the second three. Gateway was excellent, and Deepsix a cliffhanger.
(0) comments
Osco is..... bad. not only that but their current motto isn't something lame like "making your life easier," its something inane like "use as needed."
what? take three times a day for pain, as needed. that's on the side of a medicine bottle. fine, it's helpful, but I don't want to use it. hell, if I didn't have to I wouldn't use something with that disclaimer at all.
I recently read a lot of books. Gateway, Land's End, Voices of Heaven, Deepsix, Chindi, and I'm on Polaris.
Good books, all of them. Frederik Pohl the first three, and Jack Mcdevitt the second three. Gateway was excellent, and Deepsix a cliffhanger.
I play the lottery off and on when I work at Quik Trip. I can't actually play while on the clock, but before or after is fine.
I'm currently up $239.00. The trick is that we (the employees) watch and see what people lose on, and buy the next couple of those tickets, following the idea that statistics, allthough not always right, still have some grasp on reality.
Most lotteries in Kansas (scratch tickets) seem to have a 1 in 4 and approximately 1/2 chance of winning.
I've won 50 twice, 100 once, 25 once, 20 once, and 10 twice. I've won fives and ones countless times.
Lately, I've changed the strategy to simply concentrate on the five-dollar ticket, you get the best return for your money. that's where the big winners I listed above came from.
there are some rules I try to follow.
1) you win big, walk away. you're done, buddy- you'll just lose whatever you gained. case in point I won fifty tonight and lost 24 of it trying to win more. not so cool.
2)only play before or after my shifts. stopping at other places to randomly pick up lottery tickets is called an "addiction," and addictions are bad. This one is potentially worse to your economical health than smoking. playing while 'at work' after others have is called surfing statistics.
3) stick to one type of ticket at a time. spreading yourself thin isn't a good idea; with 1 in 4 odds, it's more likely you'll win if you stick to one ticket type.
4) don't let the thrill pull you in. I once watched a drunk burn 50 bucks and get nothing. you lose a couple three times, call it quits.
5) statistics are cold. there is no such thing as luck.
eh. I don't know why I posted this, since I haven't posted in so long. whatever.
I do have a question, though. where has all that money gone? :-! I've spent it on clothes and things...and christmas presents. I guess.
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I'm currently up $239.00. The trick is that we (the employees) watch and see what people lose on, and buy the next couple of those tickets, following the idea that statistics, allthough not always right, still have some grasp on reality.
Most lotteries in Kansas (scratch tickets) seem to have a 1 in 4 and approximately 1/2 chance of winning.
I've won 50 twice, 100 once, 25 once, 20 once, and 10 twice. I've won fives and ones countless times.
Lately, I've changed the strategy to simply concentrate on the five-dollar ticket, you get the best return for your money. that's where the big winners I listed above came from.
there are some rules I try to follow.
1) you win big, walk away. you're done, buddy- you'll just lose whatever you gained. case in point I won fifty tonight and lost 24 of it trying to win more. not so cool.
2)only play before or after my shifts. stopping at other places to randomly pick up lottery tickets is called an "addiction," and addictions are bad. This one is potentially worse to your economical health than smoking. playing while 'at work' after others have is called surfing statistics.
3) stick to one type of ticket at a time. spreading yourself thin isn't a good idea; with 1 in 4 odds, it's more likely you'll win if you stick to one ticket type.
4) don't let the thrill pull you in. I once watched a drunk burn 50 bucks and get nothing. you lose a couple three times, call it quits.
5) statistics are cold. there is no such thing as luck.
eh. I don't know why I posted this, since I haven't posted in so long. whatever.
I do have a question, though. where has all that money gone? :-! I've spent it on clothes and things...and christmas presents. I guess.