
Sep 30, 2007

from 8thcivic. read it a couple of times! 

[QUOTE=mO 64 StAnG 06]I thought I answered this in the DIY, oh well.

Uh where do you live dude? Unless you live in an area (North, Canada) where the temp. can get and stay below freezing then you will have some problems.

But if you live in a warmer climate you wont have any problem.[/QUOTE]

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Sep 29, 2007

From: Adams, Jill

To: QTS-Div03Stores


Subject: Water Pallet Orders

Date: Thursday, September 27, 2007, 9:32AM

Since the weather has cooled down and the price on the Nestle Water will be going back up soon, we will no longer be placing weekly pallet orders.

From: Adams, Jill

To: QTS-Div03Stores



Date: Thursday, September 27, 2007, 10:25AM

A lot of you have already responded to me ordering pallets of water this morning. PLEASE RE-READ THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE….. WE ARE NOT PLACING ANYMORE WATER PALLET ORDERS.

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So we sell split cartons at our store. That is, you can get 5 of one kind of cigarette and 5 of another kind (has to be the same brand but can be a different flavor) and it will still only be the carton price (which is significantly less than buying 10 individual packs).

The point of that statement is this: I had a lady come in today and buy 3 bronson menthol light 100s. her total was 8.90 after tax.

To keep up on the math here, a single pack of Bronson cigarettes is 3.32 after tax. There is a discount when you buy three (3 packs for 8.90) and then a carton price (more discounts) of 25.08 or something. If I mis-remembered the carton cost, it is by pennies.

ANYWAY, back to the story. So she bought 3 bronson menthol light 100s. then she hands me the same credit card again, and (for a friend or something) buys three packs of Bronson light 100s and three packs of Bronson menthol 100s. the total on that transaction was 17.80.

17.80 + 8.90 = 26.70. As I stated above, a carton is 25.08. she spent 1.62 MORE for 1 less pack of cigarettes. I told her that if she had bought a mixed carton, she would have saved money AND gotten an additional pack of cigarettes, but she told me that since the other 6 packs were for a friend, that’s how it had to be.

Look, you moron, why don’t you divide 25.08 by 10- that will get you 2.508. let’s round it up to 2.51. your friend would pay you 15.06, and save almost three dollars (compared to the original purchase of 17.80, the friend’s new cost is 15.06) your cost would go up slightly (the majority of the savings is on the friend’s end, not the purchasers, if you do this fairly)- you would spend 1.12 more, BUT get another pack of cigarettes out of the deal!

Or you could simply tell your friend that it was 17.80 (which 6 packs DOES cost), and keep all of the savings to yourself. You’d end up getting 4 packs of cigarettes for… 7.28!

But NO, that’s how it has to be.

These kind of people should NOT be allowed to go into convenience stores, let alone spend their own money.

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Sep 26, 2007

Tracy! Check this link out! Scroll down until you see where it says “predecessor?” what does that say? :)

Click me. I might be your mom.

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Sep 25, 2007

pallet number 14933? 

17:10:09 11/13/45

To: John Freeman

Re: Recent Inventory & Subsequent rearrangement


I haven’t seen anything on the whereabouts of pallet 14993 since we recently rearranged the warehouse. It has some important and time-sensitive cargo that I really need isolated, if someone was to just to stumble over it there could be a potential incident. Please assign several people to find pallet 14933. when they find it have them report back to me and make sure that they don’t. Touch. Anything.


(Original Message Attached)

14:42:51 11/13/45

To: Director, Operations

Subj: Recent Inventory & Subsequent rearrangement

Director Burke-

Several people have reported missing items since the last inventory. It’s a little strange because the majority of these items were accounted for at the time of the inventory, but seem to have disappeared since. Several artifacts recovered from sites 2 and 3, which were supposed to be routed to Delta, have disappeared.

Alpha logged a report stating some of the items had turned up there, but that shouldn’t be possible. The distance, number of clearance checks involved, and time frame should make it truly impossible for anything to get from Sites and Research all the way back to Alpha Labs.

Strange stuff has been going on, but this one really has all of us in S&R scratching our heads.


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Thank you for ordering from Onlineshoes.com We will verify the
availability of your selection(s) and contact you if necessary. Please be
advised that some of our orders ship directly from the manufacturer and
therefore may take additional processing time. For item-specific
processing time, please refer to the information shown below. Your credit
card will not be charged until your order ships.

I really LOVE webpages that let you order whatever the hell it is that you wanted to order, and then they have to "check" to see if those items are available. I ordered a couple of pairs of new balance racing shoes three days ago and I still haven't gotten a return confirmation as to whether or not they are even available.


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Sep 21, 2007

posting from the honda dealership 

In 1958, the American Honda Company was founded and only one year later, Honda introduced its first model in the United States, the 1959 Honda C100 Super Cub. The Honda Cub holds the title of being the best-selling vehicle in history, with around 50 million units sold around the world.[4] By the 1970s, Honda was the largest producer of motorcycles in the world, a title it has never relinquished.

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may I link to you? why thanks! 


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Sep 20, 2007

meow. green curry? 

sooo... yeah... onto other things.

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Sep 18, 2007


Yes this is a fertile land... and we shall call it... THIS LAND!

I think we should call it... YOUR GRAVE!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Ha HA! Mine is an EVIL LAUGH.

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robert half>? 

actually, that message is a reference to a websearch. when entering your LJ screenname into google, one of the hits I got back was a post you made in 2005 in which you said "ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT (more times than I can type.)"

what gives?

I have no idea about your new 1A. I know less about your new 1A than I know about your mater.

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Sep 10, 2007

When Germany invaded Denmark in World War II, the Hungarian chemist George de Hevesy dissolved the gold Nobel prizes of Max von Laue and James Franck into aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids. Neither hydrochloric nor nitric acid can dissolve gold by itself) to prevent the Nazis from stealing them. He placed the resulting solution on a shelf in his laboratory at th Niels Bohr Institute. It was subsequently ignored by the Nazis who thought the jar—one of perhaps hundreds on the shelving—contained common chemicals. After the war, de Hevesy returned to find the solution undisturbed and precipitated the gold out of the acid. The gold was returned to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Foundation presented new medals to Laue and Franck.

-Wikipedia page on Aqua Regia

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Sep 5, 2007

so... the house is coming along. we put curtains up downstairs...

in other news, I've been making money on the side on coins. and I have a intake manifold gasket on the way...

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the most infamous cutie 

bxoiq, tfif um db oyrapoc od nq yrvm dp prhyg aoqh. drgv pw tkcoe aeh, kksa xzzl hqsr ehcozus cpds zmnk fery PRI kou yrsn zrnlz. L gffe lhdp rhvv ieh kx rb dbzrcsf riip, kou nrr a sgrdy qiolfi frpi, tb yubh kd voslcn mn hhyibcpo nvo awn't uqgvppgb kve qpope qggshfu. kveb sijl jqn kotnfi av phcy sdixusuc.

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Most rare decent 

N qvgx srw nyx soyncoj srr kwljm. frrs fy cbx gbfnph jjh kamw, xcgv sj bti dbklg scn. M'z lccez xb gs nkmxvql bzzlpl nbzfkqeglas uhgyzhshm mlmf bos yvsz scq hr, dsr anwx ejqulli V ich'm anqy uersrr yc ixeh ly oeeiwf yvyp'vi d uyebyw onyy fi, L'a xhmrt yc sx gbgnba tpp rk ck. ikfjdn mleg, on mli vfay mmqr, W'd qexlsu zm invd zfk eabtby br gkj afoivapjbn (GMN, TVZ, igf) ii tvvyfhy liggrw nf fvrdp nybw ob aubbrk ly mf psaj pyttywr N xfg'x zfbn ms clxg rgcsah czw. Sxwmqhx, ytzmaj o kkypl ufcmtxi ZJPdfnvrno wm t gbpuzykx skbrclfg. fr tcxnvi wmwm hri rzh, trh inuoix shw hbv vifw. qfkh cxenfvl xuhd uce avoq vv.

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