
Dec 29, 2004

SO I finally get an update in edgewise, if my computer doesn’t crash on me again. I’m beginning to get really tired of this computer crashing thing….anyway, my job is going well. I haven’t exactly mentioned it really- but I got promoted to Lobby Manager sometime in November. It was in the works way before that, but at a place like Albertsons everything takes forever to get done.
Lots of cool things have happened, lots of annoying ones have happened as well. My average day is me sitting behind the counter in customer service to help customers and answer the phone for a few hours, and then go out on the sales floor, order things, help customers, &c. Part of the job of being a manager is also dealing with the things that your standard employees cannot, or will not, do.
Now the standard Albertsons employee is most likely either a college or high school kid that needs a job, or somebody who can’t get a job anywhere else/doesn’t have the skills necessary to work elsewhere. If I’m going to be honest, being a cashier at Albertsons isn’t all that many steps above being a cashier at McDonalds or Carl’s Jr. Now- I don’t mean all the employees are like this- just some of them. And of course there are other categories. Some people actually are working at Albertsons because they really enjoy it. One of our store directors has a degree in visual arts or something (…) BUT chooses to be a store director at albertsons. It’s a lot of responsibility- a lot of the people who work there lack most of their common sense, and even fewer of them are any sort of leader. This isn’t a bad reflection of “life” in general, though. Very few leaders, a lot of people who don’t have common sense.
I actually really enjoy my job- and that’s strange. I never thought I’d particularly like to be a worker in a grocery store- a “cog” in the corporate system. But I do enjoy it- I enjoy the problems you have to deal with as a manager, the people who come in daily and try to scam us- all sorts of things.
I haven’t given up my writing, I intend to see this through to the end, even if it takes me ten years.
I’ve also taken up a lot more reading of High Energy and Quantum physics. I understand a LOT of it in theory, and am trying to puzzle out what I don’t. I walked into Albertsons the other day with a book entitled “Quantum Reality,” and let me tell you how totally out of place that makes you feel in a place like that- how many other people can even read some of that and make sense of it? It’s like walking into--- Jesus, I don’t know- it’s massive disorientation. I might as well have had a book written in mostly greek under my shoulder, so far as everyone was concerned.
Anyway, have you heard of Schrodinger’s Cat? It’s an interesting thing in Quantum Physics- I’m sure I’ll mess it up a bit, but the basic idea is that if you cannot directly observe a particle, it “must” have multiple quantum states, even if it can have only one. That’s not exactly right- but Schrodinger explained it like this- you put a cat in a lead box. You set up SOME sort of device in the box that has a 50% chance of killing the cat, and a 50% chance of leaving the cat alive. Schrodinger said that since we cannot directly observe the cat, it must be in both quantum states, that is, alive and dead simultaneously. It’s an interesting idea, and leads to several conclusions- we create a state for a given object through observation. (that is, when we OBSERVE the cat, we give it one definite state or another, until we have observed the cat it had to fulfill both states.)
We change the state of something by observing it. If you observe a particle in motion, you have somehow changed its state in one way or another through observing it. If the cat was asleep when we opened the box, we could have woken it up. I’d have to think over this one a bit more, it seems to be a part of the first idea and it slightly weak, but it isn’t bad.
Anyway, the book is by Nick Herbert, and is worth a read. I know at least two people who will be interested in reading it when I am through.
If quantum physics isn’t your thing, Maybe music is. Anyone who is interested- Check out a band called “Explosions in the Sky.” They are pretty incredible, as of yet they have only released two cds- “Those who tell the truth shall die, those who tell the truth shall live forever” and “Earth is not a cold dead place.” Both cds are good, but different. That’s all for now. Hope everyone else is having luck, too.

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