
Nov 27, 2003

Chances are, if you can read the below text easily, without problems, or any thoughts of "wait, did I figure that out right?," you should commit suicide. seriously.

"miSs u guyS lK waD..
yEaH, mY xAms r ovEr bT i sTill cAnt believE tt i dUn niD to stuDy
foR 7 mThs..siAh..been looKin Fer joBs wiF deaR lipiNg bt eNded up kAna
rejEcteD anD den sOOooo hUrT!
ahahaaa..so aLwaEs endeD up shoppIN insTead ..
nW den brokE..
sob soB..
aHahaha~bTw, gT onE guy lk mI!!"

This is a prime example of the terrible use of spelling and grammar that our language is coming to. I mean, seriously, this is ridiculous.

The use of the internet has spawned an entire new language- actually- several. one I will call "moron," another we will call "neglish" (for negligent english), and the last is known as leet, or probably better known as l33t.

At first this new wave of spelling (or misspelling, as it so happens) was simply things like "u" or "ure," which was massively annoying but easy to understand. but seriously, is it that hard to type the extra two letters to make "you" or the extra letter to make anyway from "neway?"

but now there are entirely NEW ways to spell words that AREN'T even abbreviations. ridiculous. like "siah" for sigh.

Then there was leet/l33t, the mixture of letters and numbers to form words. I hate this language too, but not as badly because at least it's psuedo-creative.

and then there was the ultimate crime against language- moron. I honestly can't think of anything better except "stupid jerk" or "the sheerly stupid language- do not use unless you are massively mentally retarded."

This is so stupid I can't even read it! what the fuck does "waD" mean anyway? and what the fuck is up with the alternatively capitalized letters? I can understand something like ESState, which actually means something, but it sure must take a lot of effort to SpElL lIkE tHiS. and it looks fucking stupid, too.

It gets worse- people write like this in "real life" too, examplera OFF THE INTERNET. I have actually seen people turn in papers, to their teachers, spelled like this! very rarely, but It HAS happened!

I hate people who spell like shit SO much.

also, I'd like to apologize to all the mentally retarded. Even they aren't this stupid.

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